A Superb week in all English

Kjempeveke med sjuandeklassingar frå Bømlo
april 12, 2024
Kjekk veke på leirskulen for 8.klassingane frå Goa og Hjelmeland
april 26, 2024
Kjempeveke med sjuandeklassingar frå Bømlo
april 12, 2024
Kjekk veke på leirskulen for 8.klassingane frå Goa og Hjelmeland
april 26, 2024

This week we’ve had the 5.th graders from International school Of Stavanger here at Gullingen leirskule, or Camp-school.
A great group of students, and over half of them put skis on their feet for the first time on Monday.

Thursday afternoon they were nearly all experienced skiers. They tried every slope and hike with great enthusiasm and big smiles.
The weather was also perfect most of the week.
Here you can read a good Log for the week, by one of the 5.th graders, and see a lot of pictures from the week.
Our message to the students, keep on cross-country skiing !


Log for Week 17-24
International school of Stavanger 5. grade.

After coming of the bus and getting all organized, we got seperateed into rooms with our permanent roomates. We had all borrowed skis and went downhill skiing. For several people this was a new experience. There was laughter, people falling, and lots of joy. We had learned how to get up, if we fell and to never give up. No matter how many times you might hit your bottom, you have to keep going.

After waking up to a new day, we got to try the breakfast sandwich buffet. They had several types of food to put on your sandwich. The best part was how if you had some sort of allergy, then they would make something special just for you. For activities we went snow shoeing up the mountains while learning about wildlife and orienteering. We played a game of bingo as well in the woods, by finding the marks and numbers on trees using a map.

After eating breakfast and packing our lunches, we went down the winter paradise valley on skis. The valley had slopes to ski on and trails to do cross country skiing. We learned how to make a campfire in the snow which made us all feel proud and independent. We had a lesson on wildlife in Gullingen such as singing birds and artic foxes.


We had gone back to the valley and made our campfire agian with no help from adults. We then went skiing and learned how to cook bread on a stick. We had plenty of time after dinner to play games and the whole experience was very fun, from a heated game of Uno to an explosive game of  exploding kittens.

Our journey in Gullingen had come to an end, and we held every last minute we could together. We learned so much new stuff here, we would never had expected. Gullingen was a very fun and educative experience that helped me open my mind to new things. Gullingen is AWESOME!